Singing Bowls also known as, healing singing bowls, Himalayan singing bowls and meditation chakra bowls have been widely used from  ancient times in Nepal and Tibet. Himalayan singing bowls are a type of bell that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played. These bowls are said to promote relaxtation and offer powerful healing properties. 

 Singing Bowl is  mostly used by the Buddhist monks for meditation ,religious ceremonial  music, traditional ritual offerings, for praying as praying bowls and as traditional musical instruments.: Chakra set singing bowl especially made from seven metal represent different planetary influence.

Singing Tibetan bowls  origins are mysterious as they have different history.


How to use a singing bowl?

Tibetan singing bowls are used for many purposes like meditation, grounding, physical healing, including stress reduction and pain relief. Singing bowl produce beneficial changes in brain waves, reduce stress, “harmonize the cells” and balance the body energy system.

Guess, what you will use the singing bowl for: suppose you use this bowl for meditation, holistic healing, pain relief therapy, brain waves, natural therapy with nature. Do you want this bowl for musical purpose or want to be a sound healer? And you wish to use this bowl for yoga class for different therapy. There are different method to use singing bowl. It’s a good idea to know what you will use them for before you purchase. You have select good quality bowl and take the time to play it until you know, it has how many possible voices and tones. There are different mallets according to the size of the singing bowl which are available in fat or thin, heavy and light versions. This mallet will produce a different sound from the bowl when it is properly used. The more you play, the richer the sounds you will hear and you can distinguish the sound with vibration. In this way you can select the perfect bowl as per your choice.

Singing Bowl

Average Rating : 4

$65.00 *tax included

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